Notice of Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the 75th Annual General Meeting of Five Dock RSL Community Club Limited will be held at the Club premises, 66 Great North Road, Five Dock on Thursday 30 May 2024 at 7pm.
Members are requested to advise the Chief Executive Officer, in writing, 7 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting, of any query relating to the financial statements on which further information may be required. Such information, if obtainable, will be extracted from the financial records and be available at the Annual General Meeting.
Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting
To receive and consider the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Club held 25 May 2023.
Financial Statements
To receive and consider the Financial Statements for the 12 months ended 31 December 2023 and the Directors’ Report and Audit Report.
Annual Report
To receive and consider the Annual Report for the 12 months ended 31 December 2023.Registered Clubs Act Requirements
To consider and if thought fit, pass the following resolutions as Ordinary Resolutions.
Ordinary Resoultion 1
That pursuant to the Registered Club’s Act:
(a) The members hereby approve and agree to expenditure by the Club in the sum not exceeding $40,000 until the next Annual General Meeting of the Club for the following activities of Directors:
(i) The reasonable cost of meals and beverages for a Director and their spouse/partner to an annual limit of $5,000 per Director together with payment of any fringe benefits tax liability;
(ii) The reasonable cost of a meal and beverage for each Director immediately before or immediately after a Board or Committee Meeting on the day of that meeting;
(iii) Reasonable expenses incurred by Directors in travelling to and from Directors’ Meetings or other duly constituted Committee Meetings as approved by the Board from time to time on the production of invoices, receipts or other proper documentary evidence of such expenditure;
(iv) Reasonable expenses incurred by the Directors in relation to such other duties including entertainment of special guests, whether they be a member of the Club or not, to the Club and other promotional activities performed by the Directors and the expenses therefrom are approved by the Board before payment is made on production of receipts, invoices or other proper documentary evidence of such expenditure.
(v) Reasonable expenditure on a Five Dock RSL Community Club uniform for each Director.
(vi) The provision of an electronic device such as an iPad, laptop computer or similar device to each director.
(b) The members acknowledge that the benefits in Paragraph (a) above are not available to members generally but only for those who are Directors of the Club.
Ordinary Resoultion 2
That pursuant to the Registered Club’s Act:
(a) The members hereby approve and agree to expenditure by the Club in a sum not exceeding $50,000 for the professional development and education of Directors until the next Annual General Meeting and being:
(i) The reasonable costs of Directors and their spouses/partners attending the Annual General Meeting of ClubsNSW, the Services Clubs Associations and any other association of which the Club is a member;
(ii) The reasonable costs of Directors and their spouses/partners attending seminars, lectures, trade displays, organised study tours, fact finding tours and other similar events as may be determined by the Board from time to time;
(iii) The reasonable costs of Directors and their spouses/partners attending other registered Clubs for the purpose of viewing and assessing their facilities and methods of operation providing such attendances are approved by the Board as being necessary for the betterment of the Club;
(iv) The reasonable cost of Directors and their spouses/partners attending any community or charity function as representatives of the Club and authorised by the Board to do so.
(b) The Members acknowledge that the benefits in Paragraph (a) above are not available to members generally but only for those who are Directors of the Club.
Ordinary Resoultion 3
That pursuant to the Registered Club’s Act:
(a) The members hereby approve and agree to the payment to the President of an honorarium in an amount not exceeding $5,000 for the twelve (12) month period from the Club’s Annual General Meeting in 2023 up until the Annual General Meeting in 2024. Such payment is to cover the costs incurred by the President in representing the Club during the year.
(b) The members acknowledge that the benefits in Paragraph (a) above are not available to members generally but only for the President of the Club.
Notes to Members
1. These notes are to be read in conjunction with the proposed Resolutions:
The First Resolution is to have members in General Meeting approve an amount no greater than $40,000 for expenditure by the Club in relation to duties performed by the Club’s Directors and also provide for the reasonable costs of meals and beverages for each Director and their spouse/or partner to an annual limit of $5,000 per Director.
The Second Resolution is to have the members in General Meeting approve an amount no greater than $50,000 for the expenditure by the Club for Directors and their spouses/partners to attend seminars, lectures, trade displays, organised study tours and other similar events including the ClubsNSW Annual General Meeting and to visit other clubs to be kept abreast of current trends and developments which may have a significant bearing on the nature and the way in which the Club conducts its business.
The Third Resolution is to have members in General Meeting approve an honorarium to be paid to the President in an amount no greater than $5,000 for the upcoming 12 months commencing from this year’s Annual General Meeting up until the Annual General meeting in 2024.
To be passed each resolution must receive votes in its favour from not less than a simple majority of those members, who being entitled to do so, vote in person at the meeting.
Life membership:
That Joseph Dougall be elected to Life Membership of the Club.General Business
Chief Executive Officer
30th April 2024